On Tue, 7 Feb 1995, Rick McAdoo wrote:
  Maybe the crowd is just
> tired of the Garden; we are all hoping the Shawmut Center (new arena) will
> be a lot more comfortable without sacrificing too much of the closeness to
> the playing surface.
To me, it won't be the real Beanpot when it leaves the Garden..."comfort"
to me has more to do with atmosphere and tradition than high priced
concession stands and luxury boxes.  I would be willing to pay good cash
to any interested parties out there to sabotage the coming monstrosity
with its oversized  sound system blasting hackneyed rock music and, even
more frightening, cheerleaders?!! Hockey purists could NEVER tire of
the Garden, though some of the non-hockey people at the Beanpot may
P. Martin