I have attended both Walker Arena and Lynah Rink to watch the games. I
went to several other rinks as well. Both of the rinks is loud but I
find Lynah is the loudest, I mean LOUD! Being deaf, it's so loud that I
can hear even with my hearing aid is off! At Walker, they do get louder
whenever Clarkson scored a goal and that Bell is a killer!
Somebody have to come up with Decibal Meter and find out which rink has
the highest score. There's one hang up at the Capital Centre, errr..
excuse me, USAir Arena, the lights flashed when it reach up to 100
whenever there's a score or any excitement going on. I don't know what's
the record highest score but I'm sure at Lynah would have reach up to
I'm curious if anyone ever done it?