I`ve been reading about all the WCHA bands, and I must admit I`ve never heard
any of them, but from what I`ve been reading, I'd sure like to.  I do however
notice a few similarities between the bands out there and my favorite eastern
band, the RPI band, more formally known by it's members as AMERICA`S PEP BAND.
We are completely student run, are almost entirely engineers, and most of us
know quite a bit about hockey.  Our basic principle is "Loud is Good" and we
try to keep the crowd involved while cheering the team.  I`ve heard several
other eastern bands, Brown, Clarkson, Harvard, Dartmouth and except when playing
Clarkson AT Clarkson, I feel we've generally outplayed them all.  Okay I`m
biased, I admit it.  Just my opinions. Maybe I`ll get to hear some of these
WCHA bands at finals, and if the gods be merciful, we can play against them!
ERiC Lynn
RPI '96
Ex-Manager APB