Memo to John Kohlstrand, Andrew Golla & Brian Gentry: I thought this was a
college hockey discussion list.  References to the Red Wings, Vipers and high
school hockey are not germane,  I have never doubted the loyalty of Twin
Cities or Detroit fans to the game of hockey in general but can they hold a
candle to Boston for support of COLLEGE hockey?  Before you answer, just
remember that Boston has four Division I teams in the city.
An aside to David Weinberg:  Gerard Phelans's hockey ability is in question,
however Doug Flutie took up the game a few years ago and now skates regularly
for a BC "old-timers" team in charity events.
A second aside to Sean Pickett:  BU did not appear to be slowed down by the
soft ice at the Garden last night.  Do you think that maybe they were just
better (at least for this nite) than NU?
Greg Ambrose, UNH '72