In article <[log in to unmask]>, Michael Block
<[log in to unmask]> says:
>        Now should TV not replay controversial calls, or should the refs use
>TV on critical decisions! (Hmmmmmm).
What do you call a "critical decision"?
While TV replays can help officials with some calls, they can also be
worthless. TV is two-dimensional. The camera can't show whether a
player took a dive or whether there was contact on certain plays. And
depending on the angle a camera is placed at, the puck may or may not
have crossed the line.
When you bring cameras into the picture, officials lose their
confidence and won't work as hard to be as good as they can be. Why
bother when they can just say "I don't know" and call a time-out to
look at the tape?
How could college hockey use replay on a practical basis? Who's
going to pay for the equipment?
The use of replay in the NFL showed why the idea is flawed. There
were many times when the replay official in the press box would
tell the referee the replay was "inconclusive."
Who's going to decide what plays to look at?
Ryan Robbins               "Nothing in fine print is ever good news."
University of Maine                                  -- Andy Rooney
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