As a disclaimer, when I said I will drown out as much of the opposing band as
possible, I must also say that I am not a Pep Band member.
We have as much as 8-10 horns in our section alone, and when played in unison,
they tussled audially with the announcers on the broadcast of the Harvard-RPI
I am an extreme fan, but obnoxious as i am, I'm quite a "sweetheart". Though I
have given some derision. For this, Coach Gaudet got really pissed off at me
at the 1990 q-finals at RPI, Coach Riley of Army took a swing at me in dec. '90,
and I got "attacked" by Brown fans and Union fans in 1990 and 1994 respectively.
So I'm also a veteran.
And I can see how bad the visitors can be....
I would love to see a Union-RPI matchup for the freakout!!!!!!  :)
-Rich Vehlow   RPI