In article <[log in to unmask]>, Michael Patrick
Bresina <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> >        Excuses, Excuses, Excuses ...
> >
> >        Man you Brown fans sure are bitter.
> >
> >        Just because RPI completely desimated your team twice this season,
> >        you shouldn't be such whiners.(It's just pretty damn pathetic)
> >
> > > Mike
> +-----------------------------+----------------------------------------+
> |   Michael Patrick Bresina   |     America's always had a problem     |
> |  [log in to unmask]  |  with illegal aliens.  Ask any Indian. |
Just where were all you tough guys when RPI had a better team last year
(every poll I've seen this year ranks Brown ahead of you) and Brown
spanked you in both season games? Some other facts should be noted for
this year. RPI got reemed by Vermont this year (I believe the score was 7
or 8 to 1), a team that Brown beat twice this year and recently looked
like a pee wee team in Meehan Auditorium when they came up against the Big
Bad Bears!
Armando Bengochea
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