Skate with the Nanooks has become so popular here that the team has
increased the frequency of the event to three times per season.  This
season, UAF even hosted a New Year's Eve party following the Colorado
College game.  The festivities featured hourly airplane ticket giveaways
to a city in each time zone beginning with New York and including
Chicago, Denver, San Francisco and finally Honolulu.  On ice games as
well as movies for the kids and refreshments continued until nearly 1:00AM.
No word yet on season attendance figures (2 games remaining against
Mankato State this weekend) but this year will likely prove to be the
best yet.  It's nice to see the fan appreciation work in both
directions.  I suspect that other programs will continue to see the value
of these promotions.  They don't cost much but they make a huge impact on
the faithful followers.
Mark Sonnier
UAF '90, '96