We have a BIG problem.
Administration wants to change the "Engineers" name of our athletic teams,
most notably that of the Div 1 Hockey team. This name has been a longstanding
tradition of the school. They are having a "contest" to determine a new team
name, whereby anyone may submit entries to [log in to unmask] It is safe to say
that a majority of the school does not feel this way, and wants to keep the
In addition, the hockey administration already took away the mascot three years
ago successfully for now (it was the skating bee introduced around the time
of our last national championship in 1985. Since then, we have no mascot.
And they're pushing the Rensselaer name for the school as opposed to RPI.
Heck, in the RPI-Harvard broadcast Friday night, the announcer inadvertently
said "Rensselaer University!" (To his credit though he also said RPI.)
Please email [log in to unmask] and say "KEEP THE ENGINEERS NAME! BRING BACK THE
SWARM MASCOT" Today!!! Mail it as many times as you like and no matter if you
are or have been a student here at RPI or not.
And remember, they'll stop "listening" on March 1st!!!!!
So email today!!!!!!
Remember, it's [log in to unmask]
Enginners #1!!!!
-Rich "REV" Vehlow, RPI '91 '93 '9x
This is completely serious and is not a joke. Scouts honor...
Thank you for your support...