Jayson Moy <[log in to unmask]> wrote...
>The ECAC Playoff Picture as of last night's games.
>                                                  Playoff
>Standings       Pts     Poss Pts        Poss Pos  Clinch Pts    Left
>1   Clarkson    27      31              1-3        Clinched     @B.@H
>2   Brown       26      30              1-4        Clinched     CL,SLU
>3   Harvard     23      27              1-8        Clinched     SLU,CL
     Many thanks to Jayson for taking the time to put together
these posts and explain the convoluted ECAC picture.
     However, I don't see how Harvard can finish first.  Since they
are four points behind Clarkson, they need the Knights to lose both
games.  However, that would mean Clarkson losing to Brown, which
would give Brown 28 points and put them out of reach of Harvard.
At least I think so.  This can get confusing.
Glenn W. Gale                   [log in to unmask]
MAE Dept.                    [log in to unmask]
Clarkson University
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Ben Wattenberg, one of a vast stable of conservative pundits
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