Brian Gentry asks about the three stars chosen in the Friday
BU-Merrimack game won by BU, 4-1.
Stars are usually chosen by the SIDs of the respective schools.  What
I have observed is that the home SID retains final decision, but he
will ask the visiting SID for input as to which stars he/she would
name from his/her team.
It seems typical in a close game for the home SID to decide to give
two stars to the winning team and one to the losing team, and ask
input from the visiting SID as to who their star(s) should be.
Depending on how the game went, the winning team could get either the
top two stars or the first and third star.  In this game it was the
In this case, while Herlofsky did play very well, the result was that
the SIDs opted to give the BU stars to two other players for their
contributions.  But it doesn't belittle the fine game Herlofsky had.
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Mike Machnik                                            [log in to unmask]
Cabletron Systems, Inc.                                    *HMM* 11/13/93