Denver beats Wisconsin 5-2 with two goals late in the third period
to ice the game.  Denver is now tied with Minnesota for second
place in the WCHA (Minnesota tied North Dakota again tonight...), with
the Badgers one point back in 4th.
Wisconsin missed a great opportunity to pass Minnesota and put
themselves in the driver's seat for the runner-up spot in the WCHA.
It's gonna be a wild scramble for the 2 and 3 positions in the league.
Congrats to the CC Tigers!  (Wait til next year...)
BTW, I need to clarify something I posted yesterday.  Mark Strobel of
the Badgers is a senior, but twin brother Mike still has one year of
eligibility remaining (due, apparantly, to being red-shirted a year).
[Thanks to Erik B.]
Steve Manning         Milwaukee, WI           [log in to unmask]
     "Life's a long song, but the tune ends too soon for us all." - I.A.