GOALS           1       2       3       =T
Vermont         1       0       2       =3
Clarkson        2       0       0       =2
SHOTS           1       2       3       =T
Vermont         8       7       8       =23
Clarkson        15      15      16      =46
PD-TM   GOAL            ASSIST(S)               TIME
1-UVM   McNeil 1        Lavoie, Stelljes        9:40    PPG
1-CLK   Morin 13        Windsor                 11:20
1-CLK   Robtaille 24    Morin, Wiesel           19:13
3-UVM   St Louis 20     Perrin, Ruid            16:43
3-UVM   Perrin 23       Ruid, hallman           19:11
Clarkson        0 for 6
Vermont         1 for 6
Tim Thomas, UVM         46 shots- 44 saves
Dan Murphy, CLK         23 shots- 20 saves
1) Tim Thomas, UVM
2) Claude Morin, CLK
3) Eric Perrin, UVM
=========BRI [log in to unmask]
| Bri's WWW hm pg.  http://fire.camp.clarkson.edu/students/farenebt/index.html |
|        St Lawrence County DA Richard Manning on the death penalty:           |
|  "I disagree with any statistics that say it won't [act as a deterrent]."    |
| US Soccer/Sam's Army in '98...FORZA LAZIO...Major Lg. Soccer in '96 (please!)|
================Hey parents: kids' sports belong to the kids!!=================|