On Sat, 25 Feb 1995, Erik Biever wrote:
> Lee-
> >> *My roommate also hit UND coach Blais with a poster when Minnesota fans
> >> were throwing posters on the ice as a result of a horrid call..
> >
> > One brownie point for sportsmanship.
> This from a NORTH DAKOTA fan?  Give me a break.  I seem to remember seeing
> the ice at Grand Forks splattered with drinks thrown by fans at the end of a
 > UND-Minnesota game just a few months ago.
> I was disgusted to see Gopher fans throwing posters on the ice last night;
> this sort of thing almost never happens at Mariucci Arena.  I was
> embarrassed.  But, to see comments on the subject from a North "let's throw
> dead animals on the ice" Dakota fan is a bit much.
> Regards,
> Erik Biever
   I think you miss the point of my comment.  Every team has spectators
that are an embarrassment to the other fans.  This is not the point.
When I go to a UND hockey game, and cringe when I see so called fans
harass the other team.  It is still out of my control.  But, I do not go
around and brag and how I know people who throw objects at the other
team.  That really does not have a place in this forum.  I am sorry that
you feel that this must be personal.
Lee Sveinson