In a VERY hard-fought game, Clarkson and RPI skated to a 2-2 tie tonight
in Potsdam.
RPI seemed to control the game for the most part, outshooting the Golden
Knights by something like 38-25 (I don't have the exact numbers -- sorry!).
However, Clarkson dominated overtime, peppering Mike Tamburro with 8 or 9
shots in the 5 minute session. Tamburro turned out to be the hero, stopping
all of the Clarkson shots, many of them right in the crease.
Clarkson holds on to first place for now. They have a 2 point lead over
Harvard, and depending on what Brown does, the lead will be at least one
Clarkson takes a trip to Yale & Princeton next weekend.
Other ECAC finals:
Union 6   SLU 0
Harvard 3   Yale 2
Vermont 7   Colgate 0
The partials:
Princeton 2   Brown 1,  late in the 2nd
No score on Cornell-Dartmouth, but I heard Cornell was ahead
+  Andy Weise                 Let's Go Tech!!     [log in to unmask]  +
=  SUNY Potsdam '93                                                       =
+  Union College '95?         Let's Go U!!        [log in to unmask] +