No the Subject is no joke!
-Due to referee incompetence AGAIN (Kelly & Murphy) SLU was forced to
  play a game that was MUCH close than it actually was.  There were 3
  SLU GOALS taken away because incompetent refs "didn't see the puck"
  in front of the net bouncing around.  There were MANY other examples
  I hate to be a whiner, but someone has to.  It is getting out of hand
  good teams are losing due to ECAC Referee's getting their orange bands
  from "Cracker Jack" boxes.  "When is someone going to do something
  about this?"
-On a more positive note.  SLU did manage to win through persistance
I am sure someone will post a box score sometime.
Sorry for the explosion .. Just plain sick of TERRIBLE Refs!!!
Scott Ayen  -SLU '96