I'm not sure but I thin we've been thru this little
discussion before.  I have a problem with some
nicknames and not others!
For example, Redskins, to me, is derogatory to native
americans, much like many old westerns were.  On the other
hand some names like warriors or chiefs are not so demeaning.
It is most appropriate if the team has a cultural link to
the geography (North Dakota Siuox).  I go along with
the Miami tribe in SW Ohio as the reason
for the nickname but I'm sure they weren't exclusively
known as the redskins.
Fla St. is the Seminoles (very prominent tribe in the
state) same for the Siuox in ND. ECT.
There seems to be a very fine line between was is and isn't
appropriate (boy aren't I profound;]).  Overall, I think the
nickname of a team should reflect the cultural history of the
region they represent.  Miami could have a native-american
type mascot, maybe something less demeaning than redskins.
well, this sort of rambled and didn't have any flow to it
(much like my whole day had gone) so if anyone
can figure out what I just said and they have comments go
ahead and let me know.
on wisCAHNsin
ps:  Didn't Gino G "retire" from UND because he refused to
even consider a mascot change?  In this case, I agree!
Good for him!