Having followed the Whalers since their move to Hartford in the '70's, I
am not sure the claim of being a Whalers draft pick is something to admit
in public.  Hartford is well known as a poor judge of talent, and has
made some of the worst trade/draft moves in the NHL.  Just remember that
the Whale gave up a bunch of players who went over to help Mario win a
couple of Stanley cups with Pittsburgh (Francis, Samuelson(sp?) to
name only a couple).  In addition, the Whalers at one time had a run of
about 6 first round picks who played less than 1 season in the NHL.
About the best thing that can be said about Hartford drafting college
players, is that they are likely to finish 4 years, rather than go suffer
in hockey purgatory at the Civic Center.
Sorry about the thin college content, but all this talk about the Whalers
brought out a little sarcasm in me.
William Sangrey
Cornell '87&'94
Let's Go RED!!!