On Wed, 22 Feb 1995, Mike Machnik wrote:
> I'm going to guess that Holzinger, because of his abilities and the
> fact that he is easily the most important player BG has offensively,
> tends to play a LOT on the power play and that this is where he picks
> up many of his points.  He may have only 5 PPGs in league play, but
> since BG has 43, I bet he has quite a few PP assists.  (A category
> that should be kept track of along with PPGs, btw.)
> Of course, I don't know that this is true.  But it could be, and if
> so, it is a clear example of why you cannot just look at +/-.  And the
> combination of Holzinger picking up many PP points and perhaps playing
> with defensively weak players could easily account for his low +/- but
> high point total.
This is the case...Holzinger plays on virtually all of BG's power plays.
> I suppose I am saying, look at everything...don't just take one stat
> and use it to compare players.
> I've got a question for people who follow BG.  How good would BG be
> without Holzinger?
Um, in my opinion, they'd be decent.  Maybe a bit better than .500.
There'd be no way, though, that they'd be having anywhere near the type of
season they've had.  They wouldn't be in the Top Ten....that's for sure.
"If I can't whup it, I'll go down."
             --J.R. "Bob" Dobbs