On Tue, 21 Feb 1995, JASON BEAUGRAND wrote:
> O.K., I read in the paper today that he was hit on a 'legal'
> check, but displaced 4 vertabrae.  The doctors fused his back and
> that is it for his sports career.  But does anyone know what
> happened with him, ie: the hit, was it legal, or what?
> Also if anyone knows how he was doing, I'd like to know as well,
Unless there is an almost unbelievable coincidence, I assume the Jason
Reid being referred to is Jason Reid of UVM who did in fact suffer a
fracture of his L-1 vertebra during Friday's game at Brown.  Jason
underwent surgery on Tuesday at Rhode Island Hospital.  He will undergo a
lengthy rehabilitation process and may miss all of next season.  However,
the prognosis is that he will most likely be able to play
hockey again.  A number of athletes have returned from this type of
injury.  From all indications, including Jason's, the hit was legal and
he was simply caught in an awkward position.
Thanks for your concern.
Jeff Schulman
Assistant Director of Athletics