>On the goalie situation,  McCutcheon did exactly the right thing in playing
>Elliott from the start, as has been well covered by other responses to Mike's
>earlier posting.  Bandurski seems to be the kind of goalie, whatever his
>skills, who will usually let in just enough goals to lose.  Skazyk's best can
>be pretty good and maybe he hasn't peaked yet.  Elliott could be the best in
>the league with softer hands and softer pads.
Maybe the reason I feel more comfortable seeing Skazyk in net is because
Elliott gives up a lot of predictable goals.  There are some moves that
beat him almost every time.  I think Skazyk is better with coming up with
the key save to stop a breakout or slow down an attack.  Of course, that's
not the consistency you're looking for in a starting goalie, but I hate to
be watching a game and knowing that if this guy moves just to the right
he's gonna score on us....