I have a question for the NC$$ eligibility gurus out there (or at least
those who have read the NC$$ Register more than I :-) ).
Player X dressed as the backup goaltender for a major junior club for
15 regular season games. He actually played in only 4 or 5. (Offhand, I
don't know how many minutes he played). What would the NC$$ be likely to
rule in terms of his reinstatement? Would they tend to be more lenient on
a backup goaltender than a skater?
I would really appreciate any help the gurus out there could give me. :-)
See you later,
John C.K. Edwards        Stats Geek, Ottawa Jr Senators (19-20-2 41pts) (CJHL)
Carleton U., Law IV                   I don't give a damn about being liked,
[log in to unmask]           but I sure as hell intend to be respected.
All Canadian [Tier II] Junior A standings: http://chat.carleton.ca/~jedwards