>I didn't want to say anything, but some recent posts of spurred me to say
>something.  Let me put an immediate disclaimer and say that this is purely
>my opinion, and I do not represent anything but my own personal feelings.
>This has nothing to do with hockey, it has to do with the content of some
>recent messages on this list.
>Quite honestly, I take offense to the posts talking about how their is too
>much "Eastern" discussion, or whatever the context is.
[rest cut but along the same vein]
I don't think that anyone who has observed that a majority of the posts
here deal with "Eastern" hockey has asked that you folks refrain from
posting.  I certainly don't want that as that is my only real source for
finding out what's going on out east.  They have merely asked that those of
us who follow "Western" hockey post more.  Am I right?
P.S.  It would be nice...
Andrew Golla
Andrew W. Golla       <<[log in to unmask]>>  or
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