Brown just defeated Vermont 4-2 at Meehan tonight...It was kind of a rough game
but at least Brown woke up a little.  Hopefully, they can finish strong and
make the March 3rd game against Clarkson more interesting...seeing as how the
Knights lost, and Harvard was losing with 5 minutes to go...woohoo!
Of some interest in the Vermont player was carried off the ice on
a stretcher and the ref, Crowley I believe, was knocked around a lot, getting
his hand wrapped, hit by the puck and checked a couple of times...The game was
left in the hands of goalie Mike Parsons, who made several spectacular saves
for the Bruins.  Brown's Penalty-kill was very impressive, and the offense
finally lookedlike they had some energy.   I do hope someone can post the
condition of the fallen Vermont player...he seemed pretty shaken up.
Go Bruno!
 ..."a mediocre squad that looks to end up in the middle of the pack of the
     ECAC"...paraphrased from some preseason scouting reports
     In the words of a friend of mine..."middle of the A**"
LER3 '95
The man who prays yearly for a Gopher-Bruin matchup in the NC$$'s...