> There was an interesting article in the St. Paul Pioneer Press earlier
> this week on the poor ice quality at Marriucci arena. I believe the
> article was in Monday or Tuesday's edition. Does anyone with OCR software
> have a copy of this article?
> Basically the article said that the ice at the new Marriucci was too soft
> and couldn't be resurfaced  properly because of the temperature
> conditions in the arena. Apparently the ice in the old Marriucci was
> superior. In the article Gopher players said that ice in UW's Dane Co.
> Colliseum and UMD's DECC was the best in the WCHA.
> Reed
That's interesting.  I had always heard that the ice at the Great
Dane in Madison was bad.  Many coaches complained that the Badger
coaching staff wanted the ice to be soft so it would help
the defensive style play of the Badgers.
on wisCAHNsin!