Ah ha! a posting from the WCHA corner of the list! I must say that there
is not enought WCHA posts up on the list to make it worth while for a fan
of the toughest, roughest, league with the most top to bottom parity (not
that that's a good thing). In short.... I'M SICK AND FRICKING TIRED OF
There. Now I feel much better. Onto my original reason for writing. Does
anyone out there -- I'm making a big assumption that there are still some
WCHA'ers out there who haven't gotten bored enought to quit the list --
know who is starting in net for the Red Pioneers on Friday? What are the
comparative stats for Wallinheimo and their other guy? I know Minnesota's
goalie Jeff Callinan leads the WCHA in GAA of 2.45. I hope he and the
Minnesota defense plays as well this weekend as they did last weekend
against UMD.
Fantasy update:
Minnesota or Denver could win the WCHA title *if* they each won all of
their remaining 6 games *and* CC won only 2 and lost 4 of their remaining
6 games.
Obviously MN or DU will lose or tie this weekend, so the chances of MN or
DU catching CC are basically nonexistant.
Hoping that the massive eastern voice on the list can be balanced by a
few more midwestern and western emailers,