From the American Hockey Coaches Association newsletter, 1/95
                        CCHA    ECAC    HEA     WCHA    Totals
Current NHL draftees    56      43      60      69      228
Alumni in NHL (93-94)   58      31      39      79      207
Nation of Origin
US                      58%     47%     74%     60%
Canada                  41%     51%     24%     36%
European                 1%      2%      2%      4%
Total countries          3       8       4       5
Total states (US)       20      20      13      15
Total provinces (Can)   10       8       6       7
Largest source          Ont     Ont     MA      MN
                        22%     21%     39%     39%
I thought this might be good fodder for discussion.
Geoff Howell
The Trenton Times
Drop The Puck