TO:  Sports Scholars Etc.
RE:  Sports on the Internet
        As you know, I am interested in using the Internet for scholarly
work that deals with Sports.  To this end, I have set up SPORTSOC, the
e-mail discussion group for Sport Sociology.  I have also just published
"Sport Discussion Groups on the Internet" [JSSI 19(1), pp. 108-114].
        I am now tring to identify additional Sports-related resources
that can be accesses via Gopher, Mosaic (WWW), ftp, or any other means.
For example, here are three WWW sites that I have identified:
                Centennial Conference (Athletics)
                Internet Runner
                Running Page
        I would like to learn of other resources that are out there in
cyberspace.  Would you please forward to me any information that you have?
In return, I will forward to anyone who contacts me, a list of whatever I
        Thank you.