> To any subscriber of the Hockey-L list who has recently read
> submission from "Jason Beaugrand"... the real veterans of the Upper
> Canada College hockey team would like to extend our heart-felt
> sympathies to you.
> The opinions of "Jason Beaugrand" do not nescessarily reflect those
> of the rest of the team.
> Unfortunately, he has misquoted our players repeatedly. The future
> plans of our senior student-athletes are really none of his business.
> Please discard any further submissions from this unreliable source.
> My apologies to the subscribers,
I love it when Josh tries to make fun of me, but I won't waste my
time with it on here...
|:=From The Brain Of: Varsity Hockey Vet|=|=|UCC is=:|
|:=and native of Toronto-Jason Beaugrand|=|=|a High=:|
|:=I-net address: [log in to unmask]:|