There is no way the arguments Glenn wrote up can be disputed.  He was
right that my argument about "let downs" could be reversed.  I remain
convinced that the overall quality of the ECAC is not quite up to the
other three Div. I leagues.  There is no empirical way to prove it,
however, even if an ECAC team wins the Nationals.  I don't know if
resolution is desired however.  My posting was in response to the notion
that college hockey people should somehow "stick together."  If one
delves into the formation of Hockey East from the ECAC, one easily sees a
difference in philosophy.  I'm not even trying to claim that the other
three leagues have the superior philosophy, but the rules of the ECAC's
and the Ivys in particular handicaps their efforts to field quality
teams.  Some manage to do so despite their more restrictive rules.
Arthur Berman  [log in to unmask]
GO BU!!!