Last night Army was scheduled to play at Fairfield.  Has anyone seen a
Dale Arnold is doing a couple of hours on the Beanpot on WEEI radio
this morning.  Arnold, who has succeeded Bob Wilson as Bruins' radio
play by play man and called BU games on WABU-TV68 this season, also
narrates a special on the Beanpot that will be shown Sunday night
(time unknown) on WABU.  He says that in the special, besides
highlights, they put four of the longtime Beanpot coaches (BU's Jack
Parker, BC's Len Ceglarski, Harvard's Billy Cleary, and Northeastern's
Fernie Flaman) at a table and let them discuss whatever came up,
filming away.  It should be interesting.  Highlights include the
famous Blizzard of 78 Beanpot which took a month to play.
Apparently right after the cameras were turned off and the coaches got
up, Harvard's Cleary (a razzle-dazzle player in his time) asked, "How
do you get out of here?  I always get stuck in the corners of this
place and get lost."  To which NU's Flaman (a physical defenseman said
by Gordie Howe to have been "the toughest player I ever played
against") replied, "Come on, Billy, you've never been in the corners
in your life." :-)
WABU will have the Beanpot Monday night starting at 6 pm.  (also
ESPN2, who may be picking up WABU's broadcast - don't know.)
The Boston Globe runs an article on Greg Taylor today, possibly
because today is the Beanpot luncheon and Taylor sparkled in the 'Pot
last season.  The article is written by Joe Concannon and isn't bad,
although in reference to Taylor, Concannon writes,
"If there is a better goaltender in the college game, he hasn't been
Yikes.  In HE alone you have Allison, Herlofsky, and Legault - and
you might throw Veisor and Heinke in there too, all five at the
*least* competitive with Taylor with several perhaps better.  Sure,
they play for better teams, but I think Taylor has a little ways to go
before I'd consider him the best in HE, let alone the country.  For
one thing, he has to establish the kind of consistency most of these
guys have established.  At his best, Taylor could be the best in
HE...but I've seen him have just awful nights, and not because of his
BTW, some may be interested to know that Taylor is a computer science
major at BC.
---                                                                   ---
Mike Machnik                                            [log in to unmask]
Cabletron Systems, Inc.                                    *HMM* 11/13/93