The reason the puck was dropped at center ice is because after a mistake
by an official ie a bad call, the puck must be placed where it doesn't
give one team the advantage over the other .
On Thu, 2 Feb 1995, Daniel John Kheel wrote:
>         During the last Michigan game, UoM was on the penalty kill when they iced
> the puck, only the linesman called icing by mistake. The ensuing face-off
> take place at center ice.
>         Was it the refs discretionary decision as to where the
> face-off would occur? Do all refs (admitted) mistakes result in a
> face-off at center ice?
>         It seems to me that the face off should have been at the UIC end
> because that is where the puck would have been if there was no icing call.
> Dan Kheel
> Cornell '94
> UoM Law '97