Graeme Bailey <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>         1. Goalie doesn't serve minors (penalty served by player on
>                 ice at the time the offence occured -- this is a royal
>                 pain if the penalty is on delay for a while, since
>                 there can be many changes by the time it's whistled!).
Can a goalie serve a minor if he chooses to?
Situation:  Final 30 seconds of a 2-1 game.  Goalie for losing
team, in process of heading to bench, accidentally plays puck
past the red line, resulting in a minor penalty.  The losing team,
which has its top scoring line on the ice, would rather play with an
empty net (or with a backup) than to have the penalty served by a
skater.  Is this possible?
James Clippinger
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