Union broke a whole bunch of bad streaks by dominating RPI on their
way to a 5-2 win tonight at Achilles.  Nothing like a big win to make
everyone forget the winless streak.  I think the shots on goal were
41-17 in favor of Union and it was a 15-2 advantage in the 3rd period.
I won't be able to send out more details until Sunday night or Monday,
but I'm sure some others can fill in some details before then.
Jim Teresco, Research Assistant, Dept. of Computer Science, SCOREC
E-mail: [log in to unmask], WWW: http://tardis.union.edu/~terescoj/
US Mail: Amos Eaton Hall, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY  12180
Home: (518)347-0967, School: (518)276-4849, Office: Sage 1112
Also - Power Technologies, Inc. (518)395-2665, [log in to unmask]
Union '92, '93.  Owner/GM, Amsterdam Ice-9 - Senior Owner in OBFLB