Mike reported that Bullock had rolled up 1-4-5 after two periods.   I'll just
add what I saw in the final three or four minutes.  (My son had had a practice
and we swung by after only to see fans leaving the rink.  We went in and there
was 3:5? left and the score was already 9-3.)  Bullock then took a pass from
Jon Mahoney at center ice moved up the left wing boards and buried a slap shot.
Jeff Daw scored the final one for Lowell to give him a hat trick.  I'm not sure
what was more amazing, the Daw scored and it wasn't a power play :-)  or that
he scored from such an impossible angle.  Daw had seemingly no net to shoot at
but managed to sneak it short side anyways.  Fankhouser was in net at that
point.  I assume he played the entire game, but don't know that for sure.