To those not in the Boston area, you won't get this but a local radio jerk just
was talking about negiations in the still ongoing NHL lockout talks and
mentioned that the players should fire Goodenow. Then he proceeds to say,
'aren't there some people from Harvard in the league, why don't they get them to
head up the union. They're smart .. Just make sure they don't put anyone from
Lake Superior State in charge - ' he said some other things after that but I
turned it off by hurling my radio into the wall.
Just one more idiotic, inane comment from someone who is the most poorly
educated moron I've ever had the misfortune to listen to. I've said it before
but I just don't get this guy's popularity.
RPI 86
PS For those Lake Staters out there, for a small fee I'll give you Eddie's
address - (just kidding)