On Tue, 10 Jan 1995, Greg Berge wrote:
> The major factor in crowd response, I am more and more convinced, is whether
> there is a band.  90% of fans are only going to cheer when there is a big play:
> a goal, a big hit, an exceptional save.  The band helps keep the casual,
> facetime fans vocal even during periods of slow action.
I'd add a couple of qualifications to the band issue:
1.  If it's a good band (i.e., assortment of tunes, ability to carry same,
    etc.) -- there's nothing worse than a band that decides to start playing
    just as the PA announcer is trying to announce penalties and goals.
2.  I think a well-orchestrated student section can be just as (if not more
    than) effective as a band.  Visiting teams "hate" crowd noise more than
    music, and the student section seems to have the ability to get the old
    fogies (fogeys?) fired up between goals.
Debbie Somers                                NCAA Div III National Champs
UW-Stevens Point                        1988-89, 1989-90, 1990-91,1992-93
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"The right to be heard does not include the right to be taken seriously."
                                    Hubert H. Humphrey