At the end of Saturday's MTU/ND game their were penalties called against
both teams.  MTU's Prokopeitz recieved 2 for roughing 2 for high sticking and
a 10 minute misconduct.  ND's player only receives a 2 minute roughing call.
To the best of my understanding the teams should have skated 5 on 4 with
ND having a 2 minute powerplay.  However, instead the teams skated 4 on 3.
The score board read  2 minutes for ND, and on MTU's side their was a 2 minute
penalty on the board and a 4 minute penaalty on the board (note that these two
penalties had the same number 19 Figliomini as the man serving the penalty.)
Then ND scored a powerplay goal with about 20 seconds or so left in the game,
the teams skated 4 on 4 and MTU's 2 minute penalty was removed form the board.
Could somebody please either explain this to my as to why these penalties were
served this way or point me out a rule in the rule book I could look up.
John Kupiszewski