On Thu, 5 Jan 1995, Helga Dimitrov wrote:
>         Got my trusty Beanpot telecast list in yesterday's mail. BU alums
> (but other hockey fans are welcome) will be setting up shop in the
> following cities: Albany, Atlanta, Hyannis, Chicago, Cleveland, Denver,
> Detroit, Hartford, Houston, LA, Manchester (NH), Miami, Bloomington (MN),
> NYC, Costa Mesa (CA), Philadelphia, Phoenix, Portland (ME & OR),
> Providence, Rochester, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, Seattle,
> Springfield (MA), Syracuse, Bethesda (MD), West Palm Beach (FL) and
> Worcester. Please e-mail me directly and I'll give you locations and
> contact phone numbers.
> BU plays Northeastern in the first game (that means BC/Harvard in the second).
> ________________________________
> Helga Dimitrov
> CWRU Magazine, Office of Public Affairs
> Case Western Reserve University
> 235 Yost Hall, 216/368-6949 voice, -4835 fax>
I am in Edmonton, thus cannot go to those locations, but I do have a C
Band satellite system.  Do you or anyone else know what satellite, and
delivery system, is being used for the Beanpot?  In previous years I just
watched the NESN and TV38 feeds off the dish, but I understand that this
year's games are on WABU, which I cannot get directly in this fashion.
Arthur Berman  [log in to unmask]
GO BU!!!