Brian Cropper was the goaltender for the 1969-70 perfect Cornell team.
  A few
people "remembered" this, including a fan of another team who saw it mentioned
in the Cornell program a few seasons ago and could still recall it (now
is a memory!).
        The 1970 NCAA tournament was my first. I was a senior at the
University of Wisconsin at the time. Obviously, the tournament was a big
disappointment for me!
        Lake Placid was certainly a very different place in 1970 than 1980 or
even 1988, I believe, when the NCAA returned and Lake State won the
        Here's a trivia question for you:
        In that 1970 tournament, who were the starting goaltendings for
Wisconsin, Clarkson and Michigan Tech?
        By the way, the Clarkson coach in that tournament was a fine
gentleman: Len Ceglarski.