>        I've recently moved to College Hockey hell, better known as the
>southeast :-) and I'm wondering if someone can help me locate a sports bar in
>my area that will be carrying the RPI/Clarkson game (I know, fat chance, but
>it's worth a shot).
>        Is there a master list somewhere, or does someone perhaps know of a
>location in the Charlotte, NC area.  Thanks in advance.
>        Michael Feinstein
>        RPI '87
The site in Charlotte, NC is Bailey's Sport's Bar, 8500 Pineville-Mathews
For all interested.....
I am a member of WCKN-TV who will be broadcasting the game. We have done the
game the past couple of years.
I have sites and host names and numbers for all the sites. E-mail me
if you want any.
Also, the game will be om Telstar 302, transponder 2H, channel 4 @ 3780 MHz
for those who have dishes and are interested.
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