One interesting addition.  On the delayed broadcast (I watched it on Public
Television late last night) it showed Jeff Sauer (Wis. coach) going down the
Minnesota bench shaking player's hands.  Is this common?  I don't remember
seeing it before.  Then he got to about the 5th player, held out his hand that
was ignored, threw up both hands in a wave of dismissal, turned around and
stalked off with a bad expression on his face.  Makes you wonder what was
This was a fine game.  I really believe that Wisconsin is only about 4th best
in the league this year at best, but it proves they still have some teeth and
might yet manage to grab 3rd by the end.  And everyone knows the incredible
level of success Sauer's teams have in the playoffs.  Who knows??
Tom Rowe                                 Internet:  [log in to unmask]
Department of Psychology                 ***********************************
U. of Wisconsin - Stevens Point          Home of Division III National
     Go Point!                           Champions '89, '90, '91, & '93