It is interesting how this seems to come up every season on H-L, obviously
it must be a sore subject with a lot of folks.  It exposes some mean feelings
in people from both sides of the border.
to recap this discussion over the last few years:
Minnesotans are rightfully proud of what they have.
Canada produces more great hockey players then anybody else.
Most US schools could not compete without Canadiens or a drop in quality.
Fan cheers are often in poor taste.
What works for one school may not work at others (this goes both ways).
It is pointless to fill H-L with posts on this subject.
That about covers it, now if people on boths sides can refrain from
bringing it up again we can get back to talking about the greatest
game in the world.
These opinions were packaged by volume, not by weight.
Some settling of contents may have occurred during shipping.