Reed H Munson wrote:
> On a personal note: A CC fan sitting in the student section brought a
> broom into Marriucci arena on Saturday night. The fan took a great deal of
> abuse before a security guy came down and took the broom away from him.
> Beating CC was especially gratifying after seeing this fan carry on about
> sweeping MN. As the clock ran out on Saturday night, the student section
> also lustily chanted USA... USA... in response to beating the 75%
> Canadian-comprised CC team.
Just for the record, out of 27 players on the team, 14 are Canadian.  That
makes it only about 50%, not 75%.
Karen Heasley
Colorado College '95
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"Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere
 in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us."
 - Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes 11/9/94