Just in case you Minnesota fans missed it...
WCHA Standings
Place   Team                W       L       T       P   Overall
1       Colorado Collage    14      6       0       28  19-7-0
4       Minnesota           10      8       2       22  13-9-2
Don't knock what you can't duplicate.
Just thought I'd mention that, even though the players are
Canadian, they still are ahead of you...
-   Doug Gilmour For GOD !!!
-   Felix Potvin For Vice-GOD !!!
-   Flying over your house, A Canadian kid from Toronto...
|:=From The Brain Of: Varsity Hockey Vet|=|=|UCC is=:|
|:=and native of Toronto-Jason Beaugrand|=|=|a High=:|
|:=I-net address: [log in to unmask]:|