Happy New Year fellow listers,
I am going to start off with a comment many people may not agree with. Having
been a BU fan for quite some time, I am getting kind of tired of all the
comments about BU's Grier. Someone was commenting about soft assists etc. He
 is a big, unmovable guy that camps in the crease and capitalizes off other
players' set up skills. I agree, why can't anyone see that a majority of his
goals are off the great play making skills of Chris O'Sullivan. I believe
O'Sullivan is highly underrated because of all the attention Grier gets.
Chris is a better skater and a better play maker and a better shooter. OK,
off the soap box for me.
I have a request. Could someone provide some biography on Ashlin Halfnight
and Landon Wilson? I am curious for some background on these two college/wjc
Thank you
S. Palmer