Minnesota got all the bounty they needed Saturday night when they scored
2 power play goals and effectivly put CC out of the game on Mr. Cheap
Shot's 5 minute major.
On Fri, 20 Jan 1995, Jeff Brune Colorado College Tigers wrote:
> After the last CC-Minnesota game there was some discussion about good ole'
> coach Woog putting a bounty on CC's Peter Gerannazzo who ran into the
> goaltenders twice.  I asked CC's coach Don Lucia about this and he gave me the
> full chronology, which you might be interested in.  After the game, Woog did
> come up to Lucia and say he was putting a bounty on Gerannazzo.  Lucia
> immediately reported it to the league which handled it internally.  All I know
> of the results is that Woog sent a letter of apology to the league and to CC.
> It seemed to have been settled, but since then Woog has made his second
> violation of WCHA rules by accusing Northern Michigan of playing "dirty", a
> quote which was published in the papers.  I don't know what has/will happen to
> Woog since his second violation.  Does anybody know what has or should happen
> to him?
> Jeff Brune