Jerry York was a fine coach at Bowling Green, a real gentleman, and a
pleasure to work with. They didn't hang any new banners at the BGSU Ice Arena
the last four years, but as MSU coach Ron Mason says, it's tougher to maintain
a program than build one.       Discipline at BG was a concern the last few
years, but someone at BG should address that. It was probably time for a
change, not just for BG, but for Jerry.
        Now he's at a program, BC, that always seemed to be the place he'd go
to. I know he'll do a fine job there.
        I can't tell you how many times after a game Jerry said, "It was a
great college hockey game." And you know something? It generally was.
        Buddy Powers is doing a terrific job at BG, as I've witnessed in the
last two BG-MSU games at BG, both won by the Falcons. But Buddy is a
gentleman, too, and he'd be the first to tell you that it's Jerry's players
that he's working with.
        So how about some credit for both Buddy and Jerry?