On Fri, 20 Jan 1995, Keith Instone wrote:
> >I think it's great that the BGSU-MSU matchup Saturday is going to be carried
> >a major VHF station (WTOL, Channel 11, CBS in Toledo).....
> TV11 is pretty rinky-dinky, but it is on some of the cable systems
> in the major markets of Canada, I am told. I have heard stories of people
> going up to Toronto for the weekend and watching WTOL in their hotel rooms.
> And occassionally they will comment "and for our viewers in Canada..."
> during the news.
> So, more people than you think will get exposed to college hockey.
> Keith
From what i have heard,Ch.11 is broadcast in Canada over satellite
dishes.The reason is this:the satellites used to carry a CBS channel(ch.2
I believe) but the channel changed their affiliation to Fox,leaving the
Canadians without the CBS station,so they picked up WTOL.It will be very
good for both BG and MSU for recruiting and for the athlete's families as
the parents that cannot travel to watch their sons play will be able to
watch them in the the comfort of their own home.GO BG!!!!!
Brian Holzinger for Hobey Baker!!
                                                            Alex Bricker