Well, I just found out this week that Friday night's CC-Minnesota game
WAS to be televised on the REAL ESPN. But, somebody decided to settle
the NHL lockout, so we'll get the Sabres-Rangers game instead. :(
Don't get me wrong, I'm a Sabres fan (my girlfriend's a Rangers fan :^) ).
However, I would have liked to see CC play. I've heard so much about
them in the past two years, that I thought it would be fabulous to finally
see them "in person". You have to feel bad for those CC & Minnesota fans
who rarely get to see them as it is.
We finally get a game on national TV, and this happens! What were they
thinking! :)
+  Andy Weise                 Let's Go Tech!!     [log in to unmask]  +
=  SUNY Potsdam '93                                                       =
+  Union College '95?         Let's Go U!!        [log in to unmask] +